Seeing Double

An interesting part about the entertainment industry is that many of the stars have doubles of themselves in order to avoid paparazzi or other media outlets trying to exploit their personal lives. One of the most famous ones is Avril Lavigne. There is a theory that her double is actually the new her. Although this theory cannot be proven, those who believe it are convinced that the Avril we see today isn’t the same one who sang “Complicated”. With this brings up a few different points. Although celebrities don’t want their personal lives blasted throughout the internet and other media outlets, it’s sort of strange that they hire look a likes to go places in place of them or do certain things for them. At the same time though, I think it’s interesting that there are two different people out there who look like someone famous but are actually just a normal person like you or me, and then the celebrity. I also would think that the double of the celebrity would eventually get jealous of not getting all the fame that their double gets. I realize that celebrities want to keep some matters personal and not have it blasted all over the place, which is a good reason to have a double to begin with. I think having a double for someone who is famous is important to keep personal matters personal and not have it exploited to everyone.
Image result for avril lavigne


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