Just a Few Reasons Why

So for this weeks post I’ve decided to take a more serious turn for this week. Now everyone’s heard of the Netflix original 13 Reasons Why. Although the show has many flaws, it boils down to a topic that I find to be important to talk about that society typically fails to address and that is victim shaming. Although some people wouldn’t go to the extreme of committing suicide because of a rumor going around the school, others may be going through a hard family situation and the rumor is making their life a living hell. Bottom line is that Hannah, the main character from 13 Reasons Why, as well as her best friend Jessica, got victim shamed when they had zero control over this situation. I closed my essay with this real-world example but because I see evidence of it in a show, it also relates to my blog and I’m pretty passionate about this topic. Victims of sexual assault usually feel like their voices have been stripped away from them. They feel like they aren’t allowed to speak out because of all the repercussions that are waiting for them once they do. They start to believe it was their fault, even if it wasn’t, because that’s what the world is telling them to think. The idea of thinking more negatively creates a double consciousness in victims, thus creates this split between being a victim and acting like they’re not one. Victims can develop severe mental illnesses because the trauma that they obtain through being a victim of sexual assault. The double of themselves that’s created is the idea of what they would be like if they told others. Many victims don’t voice that they are a victim because of the repercussions that seem to be built into society, i.e. victim shaming. Victims could also develop a double of themselves that could be of themselves as if they assault never happened, or if no one knew. Sexual assault typically comes with a lot baggage for the victim, and victimizing them more doesn’t help their mental health. Instead of victim shaming others, find a way to help others.


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