
An older movie that not many people may have seen before is The Manchurian Candidate, which personally I didn’t really like but my dad made me watch it. Anyway, it’s about this guy who was a solider in the Korean War and was brainwashed by communists. They implemented certain triggers for him to remember what to do when the time is right to go about a plot to kill a man. The brainwashing makes him create a doppelganger of himself because he has a hard time distinguishing between what is reality and what are his “commands” that he must follow. The real version of himself wouldn’t normally want to do the commands that the communists are giving him, but because he is brainwashed, he is forced to do them. This was the struggle for him throughout the entire movie. In the end, he was able to separate himself from the brainwashed commands and was able to defeat those who had brainwashed him and purposefully triggered him. This movie illustrates how someone can be two completely different people, depending on their triggers, and other things of that nature. People can also manipulate others into doing things that the person wouldn’t normally do, which can also create a double in one because of the two different personas they show off: the manipulated one and the face they give off to most of the people around them.
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